Performance improvement of the Interchanges by improving the efficiency of their adjacent intersections; Case study of Azadi Square in Kerman

Document Type : Original Article


1 Civil engineering faculty, K. N. Toosi University of Technology

2 Civil engineering faculty, Shahid Bahonar University


This article seeks to improve the traffic situation in one of the squares of Kerman. In this article, first the traffic intensity in the objective location is examined in consecutive days and hours, and its traffic node is extracted using visual criteria. The extracted traffic junction is shown to be one of the intersections adjacent to the square, which causes the traffic to bounce back to the square, making the the underpass built in the square useless. In this study, first, regulations are mentioned to improve the general condition of this intersection, and in the next step, traffic simulation is used to improve this specific intersection. To simulate the raw data, the volume of traffic passing through this intersection was required, which was captured using several people and using several video cameras. After capturing this data using video cameras, the required information was extracted using a review of these videos. In the next step, using simulation, 5 solutions were proposed to improve the condition of this intersection, which could improve the traffic parameters of this intersection, including reducing the delay to one third of the non-performance option. The study also examined the economic implications of these options, which showed a 39 percent improvement in the cost imposed by the non-coplanar intersection over the status quo.


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