A model to predict the pick consumption of Roadheaders in mechanized coal mines

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Petroleum, Mining and Materials Engineering, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Strategic Management Consultant and Decision-Making Analyst

3 Department of Mining and Geology, Qaemshahr Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qaemshahr, Iran


Roadheaders are one of those machines that have a unique capability and flexibility in mechanical excavation of soft to moderate rock formations, therefore they are widely used in underground mining and tunneling projects. Performance prediction and evaluation of roadheaders are considered crucial factors in successful applications of such machines. The main objective of this research work is to provide a model for predicting the pick consumption index (PCI), an index indicating pick consumption rate, based on the characteristics of the excavated rock formations. For this purpose, a comprehensive database with high reliability of pick consumption indexes (PCI), as well as the geomechanical properties of the rock formations were prepared during the detailed evaluation of the roadheaders’ performance through field and operational observations in the main tunnels and access galleries of the Tabas coal mine project and were then analyzed and examined carefully. The results of the analysis finally yeild a model for predicting the pick consumption index (PCI). The results show that there is a very good correlation between the peak cutting force (PCF) and the pick consumption index (PCI ) with the coefficient of determination (R²=0.94). The results of the research also demonstrated that this new series of equations can be successfully used to predict the pick consumption index (PCI) in coal mines.
